B166Er 的窝

Happy coding



1. 要用 xserver-xorg version 1.3.x的话,相应的要有同样版本的 xserver-xorg-dev

2. 要用 xserver-xorg version 1.4.2的话,注意 ./configure --disable-quirk-tablet-rescale

3. 只要 wacdump 没问题,剩下的就是 wacom_drv.so 这个 X 的驱动,可以按2 编译安装


Install compiz-fusion on IBM R31 laptop

This machine is very old~~However, compiz-fusion can run on it. The machine has an on-board intel i830M graphic card. When I was installed Debian basic system with testing sources, the compiz-fusion just didn't work. So I have to check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors:

  • sl164.??
  • i915.o

after a long time googling (and I also searching all around for my note...): I found the xserver-xorg-video-intel package should be replaced with xserver-xorg-video-i810 in stable repo, furthermore, libgl1-mesa-dri package must be installed. after apt-get, there seems a couple of warning, but .... haha, my compiz-fusion just works fine!