B166Er 的窝

Happy coding


B166Er posted @ 2008年6月26日 05:17 in 未分类 with tags cite overcite draftcite latex hacking , 9092 阅读


若引用作为叙述的一部分,要用 Ref. [xx] 这种形式,比如 "...in Ref. [1], they discussed...";若引用不是叙述的一部分,用上标形式,比如 "...QFT[1-3]...."


比如,1. 也可使用一般的引用格式 \citen
2. 可以更改索引序号间的分隔符,默认是","  
3. 可以更改索引序号左右的括号,默认是"[]" \renewcommand \citeleft


%\renewcommand\cite[1]{\textsuperscript{[}\asas{#1}\textsuperscript{]}} %若只想对上标加[],取消注释
\renewcommand\citen[1]{[\asasn{#1}]} % 对于上标和非上标的索引都有效



Aadhar PVC Card Appl 说:
2022年11月05日 16:11

India focuses on upgrading and digitizing different public systems. The Aadhaar card is an important document. Is among the government upgrading projects. The UIDAI (Unique identification authority of India) has recently announced the new Aadhaar card new changes. Indian Aadhaar cardholders can order for Aadhaar in PVC Card.The Aadhaar PVC can resist any weather (rain) and lasts long. Aadhar PVC Card Apply Online All types of Aadhaar cards, e-Aadhaar, an mAadhaar, Aadhaar letter, and Aadhaar card, are valid. The UIDAI approves all the said cards for the Indian citizens. Anyone can access and order an Aadhaar Plastic card through online services.

Best Video Editing S 说:
2022年12月22日 22:18

Here, we’ve chosen the top paid video editing software. Consequently, whatever your background, you’ll probably find what you need here. Best Video Editing Software Tools are available for Mac, PC, iPad, iPhone, and Android; some of them function on all of these platforms. But if you do decide to use your phone or tablet only, you’ll need our list of the top video editing applications.

LIC Online Payment L 说:
2023年1月24日 18:19

Life Insurance Corporation was established in 1956 and Is the oldest insurance company in India, and it has been providing millions of individuals with their variety of insurance schemes along with giving a good service to the business groups. LIC Online Payment Login To have a successful policy on your name, it is mandatory to make the LIC online premium payment or offline in time, and timely paying the installments of LIC will keep your policy active and that will be helpful in your emergency.

TJmaxx Credit Card L 说:
2023年1月28日 22:24

TJ Maxx also well known as TJMaxx or TJX, is a superstore chain in United State of America that is famous for selling products at lower prices compared to other superstore chains in the market. TJmaxx Credit Card Login In order to increase their customers intent they have launched a special credit card called TJMaxx credit card. This may used in any of their stores. Upon using these cards customers will earn loyalty and bonus points. This loyalty and bonus points used in order to redeem through special offers.

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