B166Er 的窝

Happy coding

Emacs-snapshot-gtk (emacs23) 字体设置

B166Er posted @ 2008年3月05日 08:30 in hacking with tags emacs 中文 latex auctex color-theme , 2812 阅读


Emacs23字体优化 ease.blogbus.com/logs/8041520.html

Pretty Emacs  http://peadrop.com/blog/2007/01/06/pretty-emacs/


(set-fontset-font (frame-parameter nil 'font)  'han '("WenQuanYi Bitmap Song" . "unicode-bmp"))

(load "auctex.el" nil t t)
(load "preview-latex.el" nil t t)

(require 'color-theme)
(if window-system
    (if (> (caddr (decode-time (current-time))) 18)
        (color-theme-arjen)             ;白天光线好用黑色系的主题
      (color-theme-deep-blue))          ;晚上光线差用深蓝系的主题


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